Welcome at Universal Life League.

Universal Life League is a place to share knowledge with others, and enjoy it all together.
The Practicality is an official page of Universal Life League dedicated to information, studies, development, and distribution of technologies in alternative energy sources and resources. ULL also aims to study different developments in alternative healing, prevention of sickness, diseases and maladies by naturopathy (natural healing), spiritual healing, holistic therapies, etc. We take interest mainly in Do It Yourself (DIY) approach by sharing: projects, plans, designs, processes, prescriptions, recipes, etc.
Inquires at administrator's address: esperioster@gmail.com - with "thepracticality" as first word in the subject.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Natural Recipe Against Cancer Which Have Cured Thousands Of People

  This is a recipe for a natural remedy proven to be very successful in the reatment of many diseases, including cancer, as reveals Russian doctor H.Mermerski:

“With this recipe I healed thousands of people. It’s food for treating the whole body, and cancer withdraws itself from such organism “- said Professor Mermerski on his lectures.

This natural remedy works very well on the whole organism, but these are some of the most important benefits:
  • – Clean the blood vessels;
  • – Treat heart;
  • – Restores the immune system;
  • – Cleanses the liver;
  • – Cleans kidneys (excretion entire system);
  • – Purifies the digestive system against pathogenic microorganisms;
  • – Improves brain and memory;
  • – Protects against heart attack and heal those who survived
  • – Heals inflamed joints
  • – Regulates weight
  • – Heal cancer and is an excellent prevention of all types of tumors.
  1. – 400 g wheat sprout
  2. – 15 fresh lemons (preferably not sprayed)
  3. – 12 whole garlic bulbs (not cloves, but heads)
  4. – 1 kg domestic, quality honey
  5. – 400 g fresh walnut fruits (nuts)

For the preparation of this product you should make the wheat sprout first.
Take 400 g wheat and place it in a clean glass jar and pour with water. Leave it overnight.
After 10-12 hours strain  the wheat through gauze and rinse thoroughly the grains.
Wheat reinsert in clean jar. After 24 hours it will sprout a sprout 1-2 mm.
Grind: wheat, nuts and clean garlic bulbs. Then grind five lemons with peel and mix it all together in an enamel pot.

From the rest lemons strain the juice and add the remaining mixture,then stir for a while. Add the honey and stir with a wooden spoon,then store in glass jars that you store in the refrigerator.
After three days the cure is ready for consumption.


1-2 tablespoons, 30 minutes before breakfast, before lunch, before dinner and before bedtime. Consumed while you spend a dose, or to cure.

Preventive: one dose consumed annually.

For treating cancer: the drug is consumed every two hours

The recipe guarantee health and long life, keep the freshness of the body, youth and energy because it contains all the essential vitamins, minerals, bioactive substances, proteins, carbohydrates and vegetable fats. Improves performance of all internal organs and glands.
This is a recipe for a natural remedy that has proven very successful in the reatment of many diseases, including cancer, reveals Russian doctor H.Mermerski:
“With this recipe I healed thousands of people. It’s food for treating the whole body, and cancer withdraws himself from such organism “- said Professor Mermerski on their lectures.
This natural remedy works very well on the whole organism, but these are some of the most important benefits:
– Clean the blood vessels;
– Treat heart;
– Restores the immune system;
– Cleanses the liver;
– Cleans kidneys (excretion entire system);
– Purifies the digestive system against pathogenic microorganisms;
– Improves brain and memory;
– Protects against heart attack and heal those who survived
– Heals inflamed joints
– Regulates weight
– Heal cancer and is an excellent prevention of all types of tumors.
– 400 g wheat sprout
– 15 fresh lemons (preferably not sprayed)
– 12 whole garlic bulbs (not cloves, but heads)
– 1 kg domestic, quality honey
– 400 g fresh walnut fruits (nuts)
For the preparation of this product you should make the wheat sprout first.
Take 400 g wheat and place it in a clean glass jar and pour with water. Leave it overnight.
After 10-12 hours strain  the wheat through gauze and rinse thoroughly the grains.
Wheat reinsert in clean jar. After 24 hours it will sprout a sprout 1-2 mm.
Grind: wheat, nuts and clean garlic bulbs. Then grind five lemons with peel and mix it all together in an enamel pot.
From the rest lemons strain the juice and add the remaining mixture,then stir for a while. Add the honey and stir with a wooden spoon,then store in glass jars that you store in the refrigerator.
After three days the cure is ready for consumption.
1-2 tablespoons, 30 minutes before breakfast, before lunch, before dinner and before bedtime. Consumed while you spend a dose, or to cure.
Preventive one dose consumed annually.
For treating cancer, the drug is consumed every two hours

The recipe guarantee health and long life, keep the freshness of the body, youth and energy because it contains all the essential vitamins, minerals, bioactive substances, proteins, carbohydrates and vegetable fats. Improves performance of all internal organs and glands.
- See more at: http://www.healthyfoodandhomeremedies.com/natural-recipe-against-cancer-which-have-cured-thousands-of-people/#sthash.iED0qI3W.dpuf
This is a recipe for a natural remedy that has proven very successful in the reatment of many diseases, including cancer, reveals Russian doctor H.Mermerski:
“With this recipe I healed thousands of people. It’s food for treating the whole body, and cancer withdraws himself from such organism “- said Professor Mermerski on their lectures.
This natural remedy works very well on the whole organism, but these are some of the most important benefits:
– Clean the blood vessels;
– Treat heart;
– Restores the immune system;
– Cleanses the liver;
– Cleans kidneys (excretion entire system);
– Purifies the digestive system against pathogenic microorganisms;
– Improves brain and memory;
– Protects against heart attack and heal those who survived
– Heals inflamed joints
– Regulates weight
– Heal cancer and is an excellent prevention of all types of tumors.
– 400 g wheat sprout
– 15 fresh lemons (preferably not sprayed)
– 12 whole garlic bulbs (not cloves, but heads)
– 1 kg domestic, quality honey
– 400 g fresh walnut fruits (nuts)
For the preparation of this product you should make the wheat sprout first.
Take 400 g wheat and place it in a clean glass jar and pour with water. Leave it overnight.
After 10-12 hours strain  the wheat through gauze and rinse thoroughly the grains.
Wheat reinsert in clean jar. After 24 hours it will sprout a sprout 1-2 mm.
Grind: wheat, nuts and clean garlic bulbs. Then grind five lemons with peel and mix it all together in an enamel pot.
From the rest lemons strain the juice and add the remaining mixture,then stir for a while. Add the honey and stir with a wooden spoon,then store in glass jars that you store in the refrigerator.
After three days the cure is ready for consumption.
1-2 tablespoons, 30 minutes before breakfast, before lunch, before dinner and before bedtime. Consumed while you spend a dose, or to cure.
Preventive one dose consumed annually.
For treating cancer, the drug is consumed every two hours

The recipe guarantee health and long life, keep the freshness of the body, youth and energy because it contains all the essential vitamins, minerals, bioactive substances, proteins, carbohydrates and vegetable fats. Improves performance of all internal organs and glands.
- See more at: http://www.healthyfoodandhomeremedies.com/natural-recipe-against-cancer-which-have-cured-thousands-of-people/#sthash.iED0qI3W.dpuf
This is a recipe for a natural remedy that has proven very successful in the reatment of many diseases, including cancer, reveals Russian doctor H.Mermerski:
“With this recipe I healed thousands of people. It’s food for treating the whole body, and cancer withdraws himself from such organism “- said Professor Mermerski on their lectures.
This natural remedy works very well on the whole organism, but these are some of the most important benefits:
– Clean the blood vessels;
– Treat heart;
– Restores the immune system;
– Cleanses the liver;
– Cleans kidneys (excretion entire system);
– Purifies the digestive system against pathogenic microorganisms;
– Improves brain and memory;
– Protects against heart attack and heal those who survived
– Heals inflamed joints
– Regulates weight
– Heal cancer and is an excellent prevention of all types of tumors.
– 400 g wheat sprout
– 15 fresh lemons (preferably not sprayed)
– 12 whole garlic bulbs (not cloves, but heads)
– 1 kg domestic, quality honey
– 400 g fresh walnut fruits (nuts)
For the preparation of this product you should make the wheat sprout first.
Take 400 g wheat and place it in a clean glass jar and pour with water. Leave it overnight.
After 10-12 hours strain  the wheat through gauze and rinse thoroughly the grains.
Wheat reinsert in clean jar. After 24 hours it will sprout a sprout 1-2 mm.
Grind: wheat, nuts and clean garlic bulbs. Then grind five lemons with peel and mix it all together in an enamel pot.
From the rest lemons strain the juice and add the remaining mixture,then stir for a while. Add the honey and stir with a wooden spoon,then store in glass jars that you store in the refrigerator.
After three days the cure is ready for consumption.
1-2 tablespoons, 30 minutes before breakfast, before lunch, before dinner and before bedtime. Consumed while you spend a dose, or to cure.
Preventive one dose consumed annually.
For treating cancer, the drug is consumed every two hours

The recipe guarantee health and long life, keep the freshness of the body, youth and energy because it contains all the essential vitamins, minerals, bioactive substances, proteins, carbohydrates and vegetable fats. Improves performance of all internal organs and glands.
- See more at: http://www.healthyfoodandhomeremedies.com/natural-recipe-against-cancer-which-have-cured-thousands-of-people/#sthash.iED0qI3W.dpuf
This is a recipe for a natural remedy that has proven very successful in the reatment of many diseases, including cancer, reveals Russian doctor H.Mermerski:
“With this recipe I healed thousands of people. It’s food for treating the whole body, and cancer withdraws himself from such organism “- said Professor Mermerski on their lectures.
This natural remedy works very well on the whole organism, but these are some of the most important benefits:
– Clean the blood vessels;
– Treat heart;
– Restores the immune system;
– Cleanses the liver;
– Cleans kidneys (excretion entire system);
– Purifies the digestive system against pathogenic microorganisms;
– Improves brain and memory;
– Protects against heart attack and heal those who survived
– Heals inflamed joints
– Regulates weight
– Heal cancer and is an excellent prevention of all types of tumors.
– 400 g wheat sprout
– 15 fresh lemons (preferably not sprayed)
– 12 whole garlic bulbs (not cloves, but heads)
– 1 kg domestic, quality honey
– 400 g fresh walnut fruits (nuts)
For the preparation of this product you should make the wheat sprout first.
Take 400 g wheat and place it in a clean glass jar and pour with water. Leave it overnight.
After 10-12 hours strain  the wheat through gauze and rinse thoroughly the grains.
Wheat reinsert in clean jar. After 24 hours it will sprout a sprout 1-2 mm.
Grind: wheat, nuts and clean garlic bulbs. Then grind five lemons with peel and mix it all together in an enamel pot.
From the rest lemons strain the juice and add the remaining mixture,then stir for a while. Add the honey and stir with a wooden spoon,then store in glass jars that you store in the refrigerator.
After three days the cure is ready for consumption.
1-2 tablespoons, 30 minutes before breakfast, before lunch, before dinner and before bedtime. Consumed while you spend a dose, or to cure.
Preventive one dose consumed annually.
For treating cancer, the drug is consumed every two hours

The recipe guarantee health and long life, keep the freshness of the body, youth and energy because it contains all the essential vitamins, minerals, bioactive substances, proteins, carbohydrates and vegetable fats. Improves performance of all internal organs and glands.
- See more at: http://www.healthyfoodandhomeremedies.com/natural-recipe-against-cancer-which-have-cured-thousands-of-people/#sthash.iED0qI3W.dpuf
This is a recipe for a natural remedy that has proven very successful in the reatment of many diseases, including cancer, reveals Russian doctor H.Mermerski:
“With this recipe I healed thousands of people. It’s food for treating the whole body, and cancer withdraws himself from such organism “- said Professor Mermerski on their lectures.
This natural remedy works very well on the whole organism, but these are some of the most important benefits:
– Clean the blood vessels;
– Treat heart;
– Restores the immune system;
– Cleanses the liver;
– Cleans kidneys (excretion entire system);
– Purifies the digestive system against pathogenic microorganisms;
– Improves brain and memory;
– Protects against heart attack and heal those who survived
– Heals inflamed joints
– Regulates weight
– Heal cancer and is an excellent prevention of all types of tumors.
– 400 g wheat sprout
– 15 fresh lemons (preferably not sprayed)
– 12 whole garlic bulbs (not cloves, but heads)
– 1 kg domestic, quality honey
– 400 g fresh walnut fruits (nuts)
For the preparation of this product you should make the wheat sprout first.
Take 400 g wheat and place it in a clean glass jar and pour with water. Leave it overnight.
After 10-12 hours strain  the wheat through gauze and rinse thoroughly the grains.
Wheat reinsert in clean jar. After 24 hours it will sprout a sprout 1-2 mm.
Grind: wheat, nuts and clean garlic bulbs. Then grind five lemons with peel and mix it all together in an enamel pot.
From the rest lemons strain the juice and add the remaining mixture,then stir for a while. Add the honey and stir with a wooden spoon,then store in glass jars that you store in the refrigerator.
After three days the cure is ready for consumption.
1-2 tablespoons, 30 minutes before breakfast, before lunch, before dinner and before bedtime. Consumed while you spend a dose, or to cure.
Preventive one dose consumed annually.
For treating cancer, the drug is consumed every two hours

The recipe guarantee health and long life, keep the freshness of the body, youth and energy because it contains all the essential vitamins, minerals, bioactive substances, proteins, carbohydrates and vegetable fats. Improves performance of all internal organs and glands.
- See more at: http://www.healthyfoodandhomeremedies.com/natural-recipe-against-cancer-which-have-cured-thousands-of-people/#sthash.iED0qI3W.dpuf

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Tumeric and Black Pepper – An Anti-Cancer Remedy

For more info go to the addres: http://blogs.naturalnews.com/turmeric-black-pepper-perfect-anti-cancer-combination/

Turmeric and Black Pepper – A Perfect Anti-cancer Combination

A very simple combination of these three ingredients can prevent the appearance of cancer.
Here’s the recipe:
Mix ¼ teaspoon turmeric, ½ teaspoon olive oil. And add these ingredients in one teaspoon freshly ground black pepper.
Mix all three ingredients nicely.
The mixture can be consumed individually or it can be added in different dishes or salads.
If you only consume the mixture, it can be mixed with little water. If the mixture is used in cooked dishes, make sure to put the mixture at the end of cooking.
A number of animal and laboratory studies have reported anti-cancer (colon, skin, breast) properties of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric.
Why the Benefits of (Curcumin) Turmeric Enhanced by Black Pepper
Studies have found that piperine (exist in black pepper) enhances the serum (blood) concentration, extent of absorption and bioavailability of curcumin (or turmeric for that matter) in both rats and humans with no adverse effects.
This means that a low dose of curcumin could have a greater effect in terms of health benefits when combined with piperine than a large dose of curcumin or turmeric would.
Other evidence-based benefits of the spice turmeric and its constituent curcumin:
1- Speeds up the healing process of wound of your skin due to its antiseptic properties. Mix it with aloe vera gel can be more effective.
2- It may promote metabolism and help you lose weight as it’s effective in reducing insulin resistance which is the key to weight loss. Turmeric also improves digestion, so add it to your diet if you are looking to lose weight.
3- Many spices that with anti-inflammatory effects are being used to treat arthritis and one of the most promising of them is turmeric, as it contains chemicals that work similarly to some anti-inflammatory medicines.
4- Turmeric can increase the production of bile by the gallbladder, and the liver uses bile to detox the blood, this factor supports good liver health.
5- Many studies have proven the turmeric’s effects in preventing Alzheimer’s disease, turmeric contains several agents that block the formation of beta-amyloid, which responsible for the plaques that slowly obstruct cerebral function in Alzheimer’s disease.
6- The presence of curcumin makes turmeric good for treating depression, as curcumin may increase the serotonin levels, which does well in the regulation of memory, sleep, mood as well as learning, and it’s clear that these behaviors play a role in depression.
7- Turmeric can be used in treating diabetes, particular type-2 diabetes by helping reduce insulin resistance.
8- Maintaining cholesterol at a healthy level can prevent many kinds of diseases and turmeric has been shown to reduce serum cholesterol levels.
9- Mix one teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of hot water and drink it can make you feel better sooner when you’re suffering from a cold or flu, this is due to the substance called lipopolysaccharide it contains, which is an immunity booster.
Sources: turmericforhealth.com, naturalremediescures.com, healthdiaries.com
Also Read:
Get the Best Natural Antibiotic With This Simple Combination
8 Great Foods to Get Rid of Uric Acid in the Body Naturally
10 Proven Health Benefits of Chia Seeds and 6 Fun Ways To Eat Them

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Graviola Beats Chemo in the Fight Against Cancer

Soursop from the Graviola tree…..cancer killer or just forbidden fruit?

Here's the Graviola Tree with fruit, or Soursop by its english name

Have you heard of the Graviola Tree?  Or it’s english name, soursop?
Here is a verrry controversial topic that has this Brazilian fruit being touted by some as a ‘cancer killer’ !!Here is what is being tossed around the web…“10000 times stronger killer of Cancer than Chemo”.. do share it.. can save many lives, fill up hopes and build confidence in the patients…
The Sour Sop or the fruit from the graviola tree is a miraculous natural cancer cell killer 10,000 times stronger than Chemo.

Why are we not aware of this? Its because some big corporation want to make back their money spent on years of research by trying to make a synthetic version of it for sale. So, since you know it now you can help a friend in need by letting him know or just drink some sour sop juice yourself as prevention from time to time. The taste is not bad after all.
It’s completely natural and definitely has no side effects. If you have the space, plant one in your garden. The other parts of the tree are also useful.The next time you have a fruit juice, ask for a sour sop.The truth is stunningly simple:
Deep within the Amazon Rainforest grows a tree that could literally revolutionise what you, your   doctor, and the rest of the world thinks about cancer treatment and chances   of survival. The future has never looked more promising.
Research shows that with extracts from this miraculous tree it now may be   possible to:
  • Attack cancer safely and effectively with an all-natural therapy   that   does not cause extreme nausea,    weight loss   and hair loss
  •  Protect your immune system and avoid deadly infections * Feel stronger and healthier throughout the course of the treatment * Boost your energy and improve your outlook on life.
The source of this information is just as stunning: It comes from one of   America ‘s largest drug manufacturers, the fruit of over 20 laboratory tests   conducted since the 1970′s! What those tests revealed was nothing short of   mind numbing…
Extracts from the tree were shown to:
  • *Effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 types of cancer,   including colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer.
  • The tree compounds proved to be up to 10,000 times stronger in slowing the   growth of cancer cells than Adriamycin, a commonly used chemotherapeutic drug! * What’s more, unlike chemotherapy, the compound extracted from the Graviola tree selectively hunts down and kills only cancer cells.
It does not harm healthy cells!The amazing anti-cancer properties of the Graviola tree have been extensively   researched–so why haven’t you heard anything about it?

If Graviola extract   is as half as promising as it appears to be–why doesn’t every single   oncologist at every major hospital insist on using it on all his or her   patients?

The spine-chilling answer illustrates just how easily our health–and for   many, our very lives(!)–are controlled by money and power.

Graviola–the plant that worked too 

The company had one huge problem with the Graviola tree–it’s completely   natural, and so, under federal law, not patentable.

There’s no way to make   serious profits from it.It turns out the drug company invested nearly seven years trying to synthesise two of the Graviola tree’s most powerful anti-cancer ingredients.   If they could isolate and produce man-made clones of what makes the Graviola   so potent, they’d be able to patent it and make their money back.

Alas, they  hit a brick wall. The original simply could not be replicated.
There was no way the company could protect its profits–or even make back the millions it  poured into research.As the dream of huge profits evaporated, their testing on Graviola came to a screeching halt.

Even worse, the company shelved the entire project and chose not to publish the findings of its research!”
Wikipedia says soursop may be effective in treating infections and some forms of cancer, but the data is lacking.What do I think?

 Well, I would advise people not to believe this blindly, but consult a doctor or oncologist before putting ALL your marbles in one bag…………….but it is worth watching!

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Itinerant Life Style

At Lorne Station Caravan Park - Lightning Ridge
Itinerants, other ways called Wayfarers or Nomads are people who chose to live traveling and working seasonal jobs, like fruit picking, for example. Jobs that ideally suite those people and their lifestyle, as they like to “follow the sun” chasing the changing seasons countrywide. And... Australia is unique country with a lot of space for travel. One can live whole life in this country and never get bored with traveling her from one end to the other, being quite a few thousand kilometers. 

This requires, of course, appropriate living arrangements.
For short term tents or swags are frequently used, as they are cheap in comparison with caravan, easily replaceable and don't require special registration, towing and other costs. Most of the time it is, though, a caravan or motor-home. This days the motor-homes are often a veritable road-mansions (for example: a a huge fifth wheeler, road-home caravans and similar monsters). Most of the time, though, people are quite happy with just an old bus, transformed into the motor-home, which is by the way, often quite a bit more roomy and comfortable than an average single bedroom flat, with built in wardrobes, and its micro kitchen with hardly enough room to move in. All such, have, of course appropriate arrangements with power and gas fitted, and all amenities, in various arrangements, inside and outside, depending of the size or rather capacity of the user's pocket.

As in Australia are often visible even very old caravans, fairly cheaply available, with solar installation, big Battery bank on-board and double electric installations, with 12V system (or sometime 24V) alongside with 240V, as the modern power inverters transform the 12V into 240V very efficiently this days, with just a little bit power loss, but saving costs of expensive 12V cable installations, that have to be heavy and thick to be efficient. Today, one can buy solar panels on E-bay very cheap in comparison with the retail pricing – I suspect this days it is so all over the world – and batteries also fall significantly in the price. Therefore, for about 2000 $A is possible to equip caravan, camper-van or motor-home with very efficient power system using nothing but the average household electric appliances, that are a lot cheaper of what one can get in the tourist applications market.
When using the newest LED globes, where one globe of some 60 to 80 LED's gives more light than old 100W incandescent globe used to do, one uses some 4W to 5W of power, DC or AC, as they are available at almost the same price through e-bay. At the price of 17.95.00 $A, I got 5 of them on e-bay. This is true, that I had to wait for a few weeks month for the delivery, but this will serve me well for years to come, and very, very cheap. The lite spectrum is identical with the traditional incandescent globe, and they use so little power that I am not worried to live them on when I leave my caravan for a few hours, as the lightning give deterrent factor to eventual amateurs of other people properties. So far works fine with me, and I never over-drained my batteries.
I use two 105Amper/hours AGM batteries for my main power use, all up = 210 a/h, for lights. For main lighting I use 5m stripe of 12V warm light LED's, with light spectrum of incandescent globe agreeable with my eyes, and two 4W/240V LED bulbs (also warm light spectrum) in both my caravan rooms. AS my caravan had no 12V installation, having been an oldie but goodie, I installed the LED strip myself just for lights, and all the rest of my electric needs I realize by using my 1500W-3000W surge inverter, connected to my two batteries battery bank. I use a fan, lights, laptop, and occasionally TV to watch movie or two. With 210 a/h power bank, I never run in trouble with batteries running out of power. And I like often staying long nights, writing and/or browsing Internet or otherwise working with my laptop. The laptop uses only 30W f power, though, less then the LED TV I have. I have separate 100a/h battery dedicated to my 92 litre capacity fridge/freezer working of 12W installation direct from the battery, with its own 120W solar panel. I use two 120W foldable solar panels for my main power bank, and so far this is working just perfect, with enough power for all my needs. So far, I never run out of power in either my main installation or the fridge set-up.
I cook on camping LPG gas stove, with inbuilt grill and baking facilities, that I purchased on E-bay for just 250.00 $A. Cheaper than many other home appliances, slightly smaller to fit caravans, but just as good, if not even better and more efficient.
I got inbuilt onto the wall inside caravan the shower heater working from the same installation as the stove, but as my caravan is only 16 footer, I decided install my shower as a quickly demountable installation outside the caravan, at its wall. Each time I stay camping for more then one day I fit it there.
Instead of an annex, troublesome to erect and heavy, too, I use quickly set and folded 3m * 3m gazebo, which work just as fine, and I paid for it 165.00 $A together with postage and handling costs, comparing to nearly 2000 dollars needed for the roll out annex, or just slightly less for the traditional one, with all its troublesome fittings, etc. Gazebo appeared to be light, very quickly set by just one person, and just as quickly demountable at moving.
I have small 850W inverter/generator, for the heavier electric jobs, like using the small, old type washing machine, and/or some other electric tools when I rarely need it. I used it only twice in nearly 4 years for recharging my battery bank, as it was for over two weeks very cloudy and raining. The generator used just 2.1 litres of petrol (the tank capacity) for nearly 7 hours of uninterrupted running to power battery charger, fridge and all my computer and all light. In running just my computer and later TV with lights on, I run it ones for almost 9 hours on its 2.1 litre petrol tank. This is quite cheap I reckon. Besides this, I use my genie very rare, occasionally when I do some work with my power tools, and when I need to do washing when far from any locally available laundry, and which is not so very often.
After calculations, that what I had had to spend in power and gas costs while on the Grid, living in the City in one year – and with very heavy saving on using the power and gas - covered easily all my installation costs with none caring any more on saving on power or gas, and still started saving me money in less than one year. Of course. I did all installation myself, as electricians tend to charge quite a lot, and it is just a very basic installation, easy to make by anyone.
As a final outcome, I landed up with old, but comfortable caravan with all amenities that I feared to use while living in the city, but having no more problems now, and living practically a lot more comfortable, with less worries and problems, healthier and a lot happier. And I think, the life is worth it, even if sometime, it can be a bit less comfortable otherwise. Just different lifestyle, but in overall a lot healthier and more enjoyable.

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Self Reliance - Living Without the Power Grid

  There is a lot of materials this days, about alternative energy and its uses. Survivalists also take vivid interest in this, as well as increasingly large numbers of other people sick to death of the inexcusably high energy costs of energy (electric power and gas)on the Power Grid. 

Although, even if it is true that some wide-eyed environmental fanatics and greenies, are frequently hijacking on Internet issues of the cheaper life,outside the Power Grid, and trying to transform it all into their own damned Political Correctness rubbish pile, it doesn't change the fact that it is worth to have a good  look into this closer, and try to get yourself independent. Anyone can do it, if you only have a pair of healthy hands willing to do some work, and if you still own your brains, having them not brainwashed yet and willing to think for yourself, by yourself, and not by someone's else head...

But anyway... We find on the big Net also lot of very sensible, down to earth and easy to apply, very useful materials that can be really good base to start from if you happen to have interest in having your life a lot freer, and lots cheaper than living totally dependent of the, Energy Grid.

At the Universal Life League, we apply to all matters the no-nonsense, just Common Sense, approach always. Besides this, quite a few of us – including myself – happen live outside of the Power Grid, in the outback, having been either completely, or at least partially independent of it.Some of shear necessity, some other by choice. Those ones can show the others how it can be done the best way, and how it is being done since long time in some cases.
We do not do it out of curiosity, or some silly political correctness of any kind, or out of any other motives that would be in common with Political Correctness of Greenies or Enviro-fanatics. We stay out of ANY politics as far we only can.,
We just simply don't enjoy, and don't want to be continually ripped-of by the ever more voracious Establishments of Greed and Total Control, or in some cases, simply can't even afford to connect to the Grid, or can't do it for many other, very valid and important reasons. Therefore,  here we meet to mutually help each other in making our lives easier, cheaper, more comfortable and more humanly by collective effort in sharing important information on How To Do it, Do It Yourself projects, etc.
We just do it to live our files as free and independent as possible, making it at the same time the life A LOT cheaper and, more enjoyable.
In doing so, we got no worries if even all power companies shall switch off the gas or electricity this summer, or winter, and when, and for how long, etc. etc. And, in particular – we don't have to worry any more how much THEY – The Greedy Bastards - will again rise the power and gas costs. Bugger them all to hell, the ever hungry, never satiated greedy mongrels!
We really can relay on ourselves and gain an independence of THEM, if we only make some effort. And, believe me, such Self Reliance is not only good for your economy, it feels even better, feels great, and it is also a lot cheaper to apply than one could ever think of of. 

First thing you just need to do to start the change for better is - switch off the Stupid Box, seriously start disbelieving in anything of what the Establishment's' hysteria, propaganda and manipulating brainwash networks have on offer to you - as the hysteria, spreading fears and doubts in your own abilities and other-ways manipulating and brainwashing people is their own and often only existing goals... Just start relayingt on your own abilities and possibilities to do things on your own.
Here I present the You Tube movie on one such example in Australia, where young block builds his own system by very simple method and lives now independent of the Power Grid.hat 
This is a great example of how easy it is to do it, and in fact how cheap. The cost of installation returns costs of used power and gas even within a first year, and next year this goes on, all for free since then on... 

Of course, there is a small maintenance cost, sometime one needs to replace a battery, etc, but all in all, these cost are a fraction of the fraction of that, how much we keep on getting being ripped off by the power companies.

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Kalanchoe Pinnata - Leaf of Life, or a Miracle Leaf

Kalanchoe Pinnata Tea Cup for Health

Sourced from:http://livingsweetmadeeasy.weebly.com/my-blog/leaf-of-life-tea-and-benefits

Kalanchoe Pinnata - Life Leaf

Here I'll talk now of the plant known as the Leaf of Life or the Miracle Leaf and known under scientiffic name as a, Kalanchoe Pinnata. 
It is a real blessing to the people who know what it is and how to use it...
This plant is one of the large plant family of, succulents, like Alloe
Vera amongst them, too. It is very well known in Jamaica, and mainly used as a chest cold treating remedy. This is done by Jamaican indigenous population usually by chewing the fresh leaf with a little salt added to extract the juice. 
 The leaf of the Life Plant is beneficial to treat numerous different maladies, like for example: high blood pressure, head aches, fevers, common cold, swelling,\ and abscesses,by applying the warmed-up leaf onto the affected area, bronchitis, asthma, influenza, and excessive coughing, hypertension, insect bites. It is a gret bladder and intestines cleanser. And many more uses, depend of the region of the world...
This leaf is being used also in some areas to kill cancer cells. The Life of Life is being often used to make the tea to treat asthma and shortness of breath, and even menstruation cramps. In Jamaica the Tea of this Mir\acle Leaf is given to babies, from 6 months up, in small amount for cold. The recipe for the Leaf of Life Tea can be seen below:

More on this wonderfull plant I'll publish soon, together with the ways of using the plants as whole, extracts infusions, etc. These, including Kalanchoe Deigremontiana (Mother of Thousands), and at least two more different plants from this family, all having in common the miraculous healing qualities. Many of us were having them home, as a flower plants for years, not ever even suspecting, they are having home a veritable Chemist Supplies in their humble flower plant pot.

The Leaf Of Life Tee Recipe
1 cup of water                  
3 leaf of life leaves
Honey. Maple Syrup, or Agave nectar to taste

Method: Combine clean leaves and water into a tea pot to make the leaf of life tea... Bring to boil under the cover, simmer 3 minutes, remove from heat, and let it sit and infuse for 2 or 3 more minutes. Removed leafs from the tea, and sweeten to taste. Serve with your own sweetener choice. This amount is to serve one person. Double, or multiply as needed, the recipe for more serves.