2008-05-22 ĝis 2008-06-30 |
Ĉinio |
Beijing |
Helpu al ĉinaj tertremviktimoj |
WANG Xigeng tertremo ![]() |
En la 12-a de majo okazis 8.0-granda tertremo en Wenchuan, gubernio de ĉina provinco Sichuan. Ĝis la 22-a de majo, la tertremo kaŭzis morton de pli ol 52 mil homoj, inter la mortintoj pli multaj estas infanoj, maljunuloj kaj gelernantoj, kiuj estis en klasĉambro dum la okazo de tertremo. La domoj, vojoj, lernejoj, hospitaloj, fabrikoj ktp. estas detruitaj. Pli ol kalkulitaj 50000 homoj ankoraŭ estas sub la detruitaj konstruaĵoj. Por pliaj raportoj, bv. alklaki: http://i.cn.yahoo.com/tertremo/blog/ kaj/aŭ vidi la fotoalbumon. Por kondolencmesaĝoj bv. uzi la retadreson: tertremo(ĉe)yahoo.cn. aŭ la retpaĝon. Ni, ĉinaj esperantistoj, deziras konstrui unu lernejon “ESPERO” en regino trafita de tertremo, helpi esperantist- kaj viktim-familianojn. Kontribuoj estas bonvenaj. Por via laŭebla helpo, bv. ĝiri sumon al nia uea-konto: XWAN-Q aŭ peti mesaĝe la kontonumeron por ĝiri sumon tra banko "BANK OF CHINA BEIJING" rekte al Ĉinio. Antaŭdankas vian helpon: WANG Xigeng |
Tel: ++ 86 1391 1717 001 tertrem(ĉe)yahoo.cn. Adreso: Apartment 8-1-41, Jianguomenwai Diplomatic Compound, No.1, Xiushuijie, Chaoyang District. Beijing, CN-100600, Ĉinio. |
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Universal Life League is a place to share knowledge with others, and enjoy it all together.
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Friday, 23 May 2008
Helpu al la viktimoj de ĉina tertremo
Monday, 12 May 2008
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Legalising Murder of Children and Youth in the Capital of EU
Belgian Liberal Party: Introduces eutanazia of Children and Youth!
Leader of the main party of the belgian coalition, the Liberal Party of Belgium, Bart Tommelein, called to introduce further changes in their present low allowing eutanazia and legalising of performing that legalised murder on children and youth. The leader of coalition the Flamish Party "Vlaase Liberalen en Democraten - VLD" said: "We won't allow the debate on ethics to be dragged on as it was during the last four years. [The goal was forcing through that new law], as liberals we will seek to achieve parlimental majority."
The law introduced in 2002 permits eutanazia of babies, and in practice, of children untill their 12-th month of life, also, persons over their 18-th year of life. The party of liberals calls to broaden this law to include also other groups of age, that means: children and jouth.
More than half of children below the 12-th month of life die in Belgium in the result of so called "medical intervention". Official data shows that doctors decide on performing each month some 39 murders of this kind, however, the true number isn't really known
Looks like again according to the view of the "Civilized" part of the population in the hart of so very "humanitarian" European Union this is just right and perfect. What next? So far gradual tearing apart of Slavic countries, one after another, kept going well for an Eurokolchoz of European Union. This makes one wonder what country is going be next now, what policy of murder and total control is going to win over the remainder of the basic ethical sanity and humanity left there yet. How soon? Who knows... But looks like the patience of many people out there is on the very narrow edge already...
New Fuel For Cars
Living in the 21-st century we still use primitive, costly fuels as: Petrol, Diesel, LPG or Coal and its products as main energy source. All very expensive now, and constantly growing in prices. In the meantinme, literarily unlimited amounts of cheap energy are just at the easy reach of hand. 75% of Mother Earth surface consists of water. Oceans, rivers, lakes and glaciers of it. Water consists of hidrogen and oxygen gases, ALL OF IT, THE PERFECT FUEL.
There are already in existence all over the world numerous inventions which already solved VERY WELL problem of transforming water into the WATER GAS or separating it, one or the other way, into hidrogen and oxygen of which the water gas consists. Any which way, hidrogen as a fuel is free, or at most very cheap to produce this way. This makes one think "what keeps the world from switching over to Hydrogen based energetics"? At least one country in the world, though, decided to do it. It is Island. You will find an article on that also at Esperlando. Which country will follow the good example? Future will show.
Also an International Language - Esperanto makes its due contribution into the world of alternative energy projects, inventions and solutions. At Esperlando we care for the better future of the human kind, therefore, you will find there how to make your own cheap, but efficient, generator of WATER GAS also called HIDROXY to fuel your car for free or at least severly limit the amount of petrol or LPG you normally must use to run it. Save between 25% and up to 100% of money used to fuel your car. At Esperanto Federacio section you will find plans and designes on how to make this - very easy to construct - generator yourself from the of-bench materials from supermarkets, hardware stores and wracker yards. All it needs is firm decision and wish to make it yourself and be able to start saving with it. Best motivation is the amount saved itself. Easy maths.
Friday, 28 March 2008
Alternative in Renewables and Politics
More and more people of those countries feel already thretened and extremely uneasy... I myself, having been a Pole, simple con't trust the "nightingale songs of a wolf ready to jump at the first given opportunity", that is threatening again and again. Persecution of my native Poland's culture customs and language is not in the least forgotten, and never shall be, as this is what happened in the still hurting to Polish people, living memory of past experiences of four dis-partitions of Poland and fierce persecutions of Polish people just short time ago. The never forgettable fierce and merciless Polish language, customs and culture persecutions.
At present, in EU, there are also numerous member-countries small and medium in size who are already highly threatened, by aggressive political precedence, dominance and economic and cultural domination, hegemonism and exploitation by foreign country, their culture, laws and politics, even a languages and in addition even totally alien religion, having been tried to be forcefully imposed on them totally against their will
That this aren't some silly, unfounded, unreasonable fears, now anyone can see clearly by observing comparing and analysing what happened in Europe before and what happens right now.
There are already so many examples of hegemony and fight for total control at EU by Germany, that one would have to be blind not to see that clearly without having it spelled out, and these outrageousness happens in particular in relation towards Slavic countries and their people, and there are already present in Europe - and all the time growing - numerous examples of all those unfortunate, and clearly totalitarian in character processes.
All this is outright criminal in the eyes of any decent person, like for example an indisputably illegal in the eyes of an international law, savage dis-partitioning and vivisection of Serbia, attempts of hegemony with the "divide and rule" politics, or the latest, terrible internal war in Ukraine, caused by nothing else but greed of money and power by the alien to this Slavic country powers.
Worst of all is this is, that most of it came, and comes now, direct from UN, and in the name of peace, apparently not to make wars. But they do make war, not peace...
In the light of all of these, the true neutrality of Esperanto as an International Language, seems to be the most ideal solution for international communication, as it is neutral culturally and politically.
Universal Life League
is a three lingual site -also in Esperanto - doing some solid work on developing Info-Bank for funs of Mutual Help in the fields of Alternative Energies, Sustainability and other related fields of interests in Esperanto. The site is three lingual: English, Polish and Esperanto.
Beside topics on alternative energy sources and resources, and their utilization in these languages, you'll find materials on religion, philosophy, politics, creeds, cultures, besides plans, designs, receipts, etc. You can find there some plans one can already use to construct described there projects. I don't say what it is. Best if just go there and see for yourself.
Antill not long time ago. because of the mountain of work with translating, and all the research, I published most projects mainly in Esperanto, as they are already quite easily available to keenly interested researcher in both, English and Polish. Original links to researched sites I always present in every translated to Esperanto post and article, therefore, all interested can follow links to see the original. quite probably already known to some proportion of those interested in these topics.
Advantage of high level of easiness proven by practice, and the the trial of time over 120 years of practical use worldwide, Esperanto's learning and teaching, as the fully phonetic International Language brings to mind the question: Why waste billions upon billions of dollars (or Euros) for incredibly time consuming studies of extremely complex foreign languages like English, German, French, Spanish, Russian or other possibly even more difficult, if there is already in existence an ideal: easy, practical, cheap, neutral solution?
Esperanto belongs to everyone equally and it is just at the hand's reach. Esperanto belongs to the world, equally to everyone in the world, not to any separate nation or culture, right from the time of its birth. It isn't a threat to anyone but benefits everyone.
Wish to get to know more? Visit http://www.wiedy.net Alternatively, check how Esperanto looks and how easy it is to learn even as a self learner go to: http://www.cursodeesperanto.com.br/. It takes just few minutes to download it. - It is genuinely free and with no obligations.
You'll find there downloadable and usable for free, very easy to use software available already in some 28 languages to learn this language as a self learner, without tutor if you feel like it... No pressure, none schedules, no obligations, you learn it as you please... You have, also option to ask for the tutor at that site. Alternatively, if you like The Practice and the Universal Life League - both complementing each other - write me a note for the tutoring help in Esperanto for free. If you'll also have the Skype, I can arrange for you life instruction sessions by these media as well. I can help for speakers of both: English and Polish...
If more intense help would be needed I charge just symbolic fee - but rather in form of accepting as payment help in redacting of The Practice or the Universal Life League to help keeping them both on-line. For all further information write to me putting words "The Practice" in subject to my address: esperioster@gmail.com/
Friday, 11 January 2008
Currency Trading at Forex Market
The market
The currency trading (FOREX) market is the biggest and fastest growing market on earth. Its daily turnover is more than 2.5 trillion dollars. The participants in this market are banks, organizations, investors and private individuals, just like you. (click here to read full market background by Easy-Forex™).
The goods (merchandise)
Markets are places to trade goods, and the same goes with FOREX. The Forex goods are the currencies of various countries. You buy Euro, paying with US dollars, or you sell Japanese Yens for Canadian dollars. That's all.
How does one profit in Forex?
Obviously, buy cheap and sell for more! The profit potential comes from the fluctuations (changes) in the currency exchange market.
The nice thing about the FOREX market, is that regular daily fluctuations, say - around 1%, are multiplied by 100! (in general, Easy-Forex™ offers trading ratios from 1:50 to 1:200).
How risky is Forex trading?
You cannot lose more than your "margin" (your initial investment)! You may profit unlimited amounts, but you never lose more than what you initially risked. However, risk only what you can afford and is not vital for your well-being.
How do I start trading?
Register (Easy-Forex™ offers the simplest and quickest registration process, no obligation); deposit your first trading "margin" amount (credit cards are welcome, only by Easy-Forex™); start trading.
How do I monitor my Forex trading?
Online, from anywhere, anytime. You have full control to monitor status, check scenarios, change some terms in the deal, or close it.
Want to know more? Want to get on-line training? Register here (quick, no obligation), we'll be glad to guide you, every step of the way.
Good luck!
Forex trading involves substantial risk of loss, and may not be suitable for everyone.
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
Welcome at Esperlando
I wish to all this year to be the best all can have and realization of all plans and dreams.
Esperanto word, ESPERLANDO, meaning in English the, Land of Hope. May it be what it's meant to be to all who strive finding hope for the better future. We aren't an environmental, or so called "greenie", supporters. Most of us don't agree with terrorist style, piratical actions of "Greenpeace" or some other other, so called, "green parties". Although, we have interest in social interaction, mutual help to each other and making changes for the better in our lives. This is something everyone usually would agree with.
The world of today needs increasingly some action in excercising true humanism in mutual relations. Internet is good in helping mutual contacts, direct and efficient.
Here you'll find links to sites aiming to help achieving our goals. Step by step, but surely so. Mainly, though, its ourselves who hold charge of our own lives, after all. All we need is sometime just some prompt, some idea that would help to achieve what we aim for and dream about.
So... May all have our dreams and goals fulfilled in this year 2008!
One reader's comment at one other the biggest Polish News Sites gave me an idea to write this article. One ought to really profoundly look into it. As it is impossible not to notice, right where they are, most ardently "defending the democracy", the famous work of, George Orwell, titled "1984" is the book almost banished. It is the book of which in Western World libraries and bookstores they don't know much at all, or just hardly have some idea of it... This days, more and more often, in libraries of the Western World one simply can't any more easy borrow it, neither bay at bookstores... This is not an exaggeration. These are facts. Checked and proven facts... I met with it myself at several places... It looks like we are just one step from the time when it can become already to late to be able to react on it in any way... Sad, frightening, dark future for all, if nothing changes about it.
The guy was true visionary, what he wrote about, is today slowly being realised, there are 3 superpowers in process of creation, much like at the Orwell's vision: Oceania, Eurasia, and Asia Oriental., they keep limiting freedoms in every step of the life and take control over the human mind through media manipulation of information and social perceptions, according to the ruling ideology; the economy shouldn't at al serve the society at large, but the group of the privileged ones: Cit; " At the same time they realised, the common well being threatens durability of the hierarchical societies; in fact it is their peril." And further: " If all were wealthy and had the same amount of free time for disposition, big mass of people till now stupefied by the poverty would gain an education and started to think, and then earlier or later, would realize, the privileged minority (regime) hasn't got nany priority right of existence so they ought to fall it down. Hierarchical society must be supported by poverty and obscurity, to function efficiently." And going further: " They driven to stagnation economies of many countries, arable grounds were left unused, they didn't invest into production , huge part of human kind they deposed of work and governmental care institutions payed to unemployed almost starvation diet benefits. However, because such politics were inducing military weakness, and the poverty sourced from it, absolutely nothing could excuse, it met with opposition with the time passed. They had to deal with the problem of, how to keep in constant moving the industrial machine, but not increase the wealth of the world. They understood, goods they had to produce, but its not-on to distribute them. The only realistic solution, then, was the constant war." pg 218-219 Issued by: Wydanie Literackei Muza SA Warsaw 2006. This is happening right now, right in front of our own eyes. One just needs to open the eyes wide and not be afraid to acknowledge to oneself, to see who one really sees, and not be afraid to look.